Literature Done Juicy

Life of Pi: Lost at Sea (S02E09 Lost Protagonists)

Watermelon Prose Season 2 Episode 9

Today in our ninth instalment of the second season, we're diving deep into the ocean of Yann Martel's Life of Pi. 

In this literary voyage, we explore the intricate layers of Martel's storytelling, from the shipwreck narrative to the profound relationships between humans and animals. The novel, claiming to make you believe in God, takes us on a journey with Pi Patel, a young Indian polytheist who survives 227 days on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

We unravel the novel's themes of faith, survival, carnivalesque, ethical implications of animal captivity, freak shows and Pi's struggle to maintain his humanity in the face of isolation. Oh and we sprinkled a Titanic fact in there too. 

TW and SPOILERS for all episodes, listen at your own discretion.

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Thanks for tuning in to 'Literature Done Juicy'. Join us next time as we continue to explore the world of fiction through a refreshing lens. Until then, stay juicy!