Literature Done Juicy

Tender is the Flesh: Gore or More? (S01E3 Dark Fiction)

Watermelon Prose Season 1 Episode 3

Explore the dark and unsettling world of cannibalism, factory farming, and human exploitation in our latest episode.  Focusing solely on the text Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica, get ready for a gripping journey into a dystopian society that may not be as far from our own as we'd like to think.

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 You are listening to your literature Done Juicy, A show that explores books in the Juiciest way possible. My name's Jade, and on this episode we'll be discussing Gore or more, which focuses solely on a text called Tender is the Flesh. This is episode three of our first season, which discusses dark fiction.

I hope you're as well as you can be and let's get into it. Today we are focusing on a single text, like I said, and it is called, tender is the Flesh, and it's written by Augustina Vaca and it's a Spanish novel, which is translated by Sarah Moses. It is a favorite of mine and it is a spicy one to say the least.

Tana is the flesh is a dystopian novel where a virus has infected the animals' populations making them unable to be consumed. Due to this, humans are now being slaughtered by other humans for food. Marcos is our main narrator and works at one of these slaughter houses in his personal life. He has the pressures of an ill father who is essentially dying in an old folks' home, and also a wife who left him due to the death of their baby.

He has a lot on his plate, no pun intended. Tender is the flesh was winner of Argentina's Premier Claran de novella prize and praised by several critics in the New York Times. It's described as a powerful and monstrous novel that pushes boundaries and enters the reader's psyche. Tenders the flesh is simply more than shock value.

At a short 224 pages, this thin wafer text packs a punch and contains mountains of social comment. Before I get right into the episode, I wanna say that I will be discussing meat consumption and factory farming. In no way am I preaching, just offering a point of view that the author herself wished to explore.

In several interviews, the author has stated that she wished to draw parallels between the dehumanization of factory farm animals and women in Spain. I personally was vegetarian for about six years, and I was vegan for. Three. Before that, I'm back to eating animal products, but I don't eat pork and don't really touch much dairy just due to my long st of like not consuming animal products.

To make this section a little bit more fun, as I know that factory farming's a little bit of a downer, I'll also discuss some, uh, influencers that are on the opposite end of the scale in terms of animal consumption. Other topics that we'll explore today will be real life cannibals, including birth tribal and then serial killers in the modern world, the treatment of women in Argentina, and then also humans that are commodified as products In our current day life, Augustine has very personal reasons Behind the inspiration of Tender is a flesh, and it's also dedicated to her brother Gonzalo Barica.

Gonzalo is a chef. Specifically with organic food and is a firm believer that food is medicine. He's basically a what I eat in the day, clean food only. Guru Gonzalo would research food thoroughly and then discuss this research with his sister. This research subsequently led her to stop eating meat.

Augustina said she walked past a butcher and saw a hanging carcass and thought, why aren't the human carcasses in this window? Can't say I've ever had that thought when I'm tucking into my spaghetti, but I definitely see where she's coming. Augustina has been very vocal about wanting to reflect the current treatment of women in Argentina with the way that humans are treated in her novel.

Currently in Argentina, there is epidemic of women being murdered. The United Nations published in 2021 that on average one woman was killed every 32 hours in that country alone. It's an insane horning statistic, and Augustina believes that when people or creatures become the other, they can easily be abused and exploited into doing heinous things.

A few examples of this would be sex trafficking, family violence, and modern day slavery. The themes and narratives she wishes to create within her world are poignant and emotional, and they're both drawn out of the reader when consuming tenders flesh. I'm gonna start off with the most obvious theme, and that is factory farming and animal.

90% of the livestock in the world are actually currently living in factory farms, which means that most of them are kept in abhorrent conditions. Chickens are kept in battery cages. Pigs are kept in gestation cages, and young calves will be kept in field crates. If the animals are not kept in crates, they're usually kept inside a shed and they're so jammed packed full with animals, they can't move and many are trampled.

Their diets consist of hormones, antibiotics, and unnatural grains. Most of the time it's not unnatural Diet. . The food that we are consuming is consuming things that aren't good for them. They are frequently mistreated and their deaths are not humane. The conditions of the animals are out of sight and out of.

This type of treatment is reflected in Augustine's novel. Within the dystopian world, the humans that are bred for slaughter are not considered people and are instead named heads. They're kept in the same condition that factory farm animals are kept in today, and it is considered to be, to have sex with a head, which draws parallels to the way our society views animals and bestiality.

They are raised, maim, tortured, and killed, and nothing is left to the imagination. In the description of their murders, she dehumanizes the heads by labeling them as such, much to a lightness of how we change pig to pork or cow to beef after slaughter. Young heads are labeled as kids, which is similar to veal.

There is an incredibly confronting passage where there's men that are barbecuing, a kid, an actual child in celebration to one of their friends that have just had a baby. This is similar to how most societies celebrate occasions through the sharing of food, which is usually meat. And in Argentina, meat is actually heralded more as a sacred right, and it's definitely a part of their identity and is considered highly unusual for people in that country to not consume animal products.

The conditions of these factory farms are hidden away from the majority of society, except for people like Marco who work in the processing field. The atrocity is are hidden away and the heads are further isolated. Due to the clever use of language, A K A R modern day marketing, like in the classic dystopian novel, 1984 by George Orwell, Marco internally warns himself that there are words that cover up the.

This simply means that there is an ideological construct that implements language to create differences between what is human and what is considered ahead. Other examples of the way this type of labeling is utilized, uh, product, which means head's, body part, the word it, which is naming the head after slaughter, and then also the word processing, which is the word used for the actual laughter of the head.

On top of creating language systems that act as a buffer to compassion, this society has found an equally horrifying way of making the heads invisible to the outside world. All heads when they're bred have their vocal cords removed, so they can't speak. They are unable to scream, oppose, or make a sound, rendering them unseen.

Similar atrocities are implemented on factory font. Animals such as D Deaking, docking tails, branding cattle, and the list goes. Lack of a voice further imprints the idea to the people that these heads are not human because they cannot communicate much like animals. In general, the visual descriptions of the violence and torture against the heads allows the reader to reflect on their own treatment of animals.

An interview with an X-factor worker from a chicken farm in Victoria has spoken about the level of trauma he had witnesses an employee of the farm. Firstly, the job itself is low. Very hard work has long hours, and the travel on top of that is very extensive and very far. So this already makes a job mentally and physically demanding.

But on top of that, the employee stated that the hatchery was just a very horrible place to work and that he could only handle one day. There within the hatchery, chicks were thrown around the place, and if they fell off the benches or conveyor belts, Nobody caught them. They were just left there to hit the ground.

If they survived the hit, most people would just stand on them. If the eggs hatched before the incubators were due to open, the chick that hatched out would just be slowly roasted alive on the first day of their lives. Once the chickens have hatched, they are sexed and the males are thrown into a garbage bag.

And the ones at the bottom suffocate cuz they're thrown in the garbage bag alive. And once it's all full, they will kill them by a carbon monoxide. Very hard to stomach. And it's actually the usual process to create chicken, meat and eggs. And we see in, in our groceries every day. They're no longer even considered animals that feel pain emotions.

Have thoughts. It's easy to turn a blind eye and forget about the animals that are used for the meat, dairy, and egg industries as a production of these commodities are usually completed behind the scenes, and the branding and packages contain images of cute animals and smiling farmers to hide the more sinister actions that are going on behind the scenes.

It's easy to see why activists get so emotional about the topic. To break up this heavy discussion point, I thought we would chat about two problematic influences that are attached to the meat industry that represent pole opposites of the consumption spectrum. The first influencer I will talk about is vegan booty, who is otherwise known as Tash Peterson.

She's a 28 year old Perth born, vegan activist who's caused a little bit of a stir back in the day. She's known to have poured fake blood over a K ffc floor while blasting slaughterhouse footage. She hasn't only fans to financially support her cause and has entered the famous fashion label Louis Vuitton topless with period bludge smeared on Air Cru.

Vegan booty consumes zero animal products and utilizes her own body to make financial gains from her only fan's website, essentially commodifying herself rather than the animals. Her actions are sometimes illegal, and she's been called out by many YouTubers for her extreme activism. To me that activism is very extreme, and I guess it gets people talking about your cause, but I think a lot of people just roll their.

People that go this far. And then on the other side of the spectrum, we have the infamous liver king. So the liver king is known as Brian Johnson, and he is a multimillionaire who created the brand liver king to sell his supplements. He eats a carnival diet and reportedly consumes only raw meat in a head to toe style, eggs, fish, and raw milk.

Every single meal he has contains an animal product. However, the nose to tail method is definitely a sustainable one, but the fact that he's just eating so much of it makes it a mute. The reason the living King is very controversial is because he claimed his diet, gave him his physique. He's in his middle age, he's a short man and has like zero body fat.

He looks jacked as fuck. His eyes are so chiseled you could grate cheese on them. And guess what? He's been recently exposed for not being natty, which means not being natural. He has AB implants and he takes 10,000 US dollars plus a month of peds. Uh, p D is a performance enhancing. So essentially he's been marketing his company and selling products to predominantly young males.

Promoting that his products and way of life will make you look like he does, and he's spending $10,000 minimum a month on drugs.  to get that physique. It's so ridiculous. But if you haven't heard of him, go and check him out. Have a Google, have a YouTube, because , it's like next level. So both vegan Booty and Li King are using animals and humans to commodify their brand and their product, and they're essentially just making gains financially from other people.

Both of those influences were using animals and people as a commodity. So what is the actual definition of a commodity? It is a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold such as copper or coffee. So let's break down the sentence. Firstly, a raw material, which means basic matter from which a product is made.

The second part is agricultural product, meaning coming directly from nature. And then the third section it, which is can be bought or sold, simply means exchanges item for money. So why is this I. Humans today are still being used as commodities for consumption of others and are treated basically as these raw materials that come directly from nature in exchange for money.

Here are some examples. First, we'll start off with an obvious one, which is the fashion industry, which affects both animals and humans alike. However, I won't get into the fur and leather industries today cause I feel like we've just discussed enough animal dance. But obviously they're both important and relevant to this discussion.

The fashion industry exploits and oppresses millions of people around the world. Some are saying that by 2030 in Australia alone, we'll have consumed resources equivalent to two earths. That is insane. Now, put aside the environmental impact of all of this, which sounds to me that we're facing Armageddon and makes me never want to buy a piece of clothing again.

So who do you think are being used to create these clothes? It's not the rich CEOs that are sitting in the Chinese Sheen office. It's poor and oppressed people. Which do predominantly live either in China or India. However, production is occurring all over the world. For those of you that have been living under a rock, the company she in is a fast fashion retailer that was founded in 2008.

Its headquarters can be found in China, and it specializes in low price clothing that keeps up with the demand of micro fashion trends. The clothes are sold through an e-commerce model, and advertisements are targeted mainly at women. It is currently one of the largest fashion retailers in the world. So what is it doing?

Shean has faced criticism and controversy over the following business practices. So the first one is it's labor practices. There's been reports of poor working conditions, low wages and exploitation of workers at the factories used by Shein. The second is environmental impact. So there's been accusations of excessive waste and harm to the environment from the fast fashion production.

The third is intellectual property infringement. So Shean has actually been accused of selling counterfeit and knockoff products, which I personally have seen a lot on that website. I've never actually bought a piece of clothing from it. But if you go on there, you will see direct ripoffs of high fashion labels like runaway couture that they've just simply taken.

And even from smaller companies too, you can just see the dresses look exactly the same. They're just shit equality. The final one is actually data privacy. So the company has been criticized for its handling of its customers data, which. The collecting and selling of customer information on top of the fashion industry, humans are also being used for sex trafficking and slavery.

Both of these are represented within Augustine's novel, through the heinous acts that the heads are subjected to. Brazil is actually one of the top places for child sex tourism in Latin America and Asia Street. Children often turn to prostitution to make money for themselves and their families, something even more shocking.

And when I read this, I was like, oh, holy shit. So in 2012, it was found that Australia was one of the most likely to be involved in child sex tourism in Thailand, with a whopping 30% of offenders. Being from here. Obviously the majority of demand comes from industrialized countries, but it's still a shocking percentage to see.

Brazil is also still known for its human trafficking in general and is one of the top suppliers for women, men, boys and girls, specifically for forced prostitution, but then also for labor. The main drivers for human sex trafficking are poverty and unemployment, and until 2016 laws in Brazil only recognize human trafficking as sexual exploitation, so you could be trafficked for labor, and it technically kind of wasn't illegal.

It's now been changed to include forced labor, servitude, legal adoption, and also trafficking for the purpose of. An organization that I'd also like to raise a little bit of light to is the Global Sisters Report. They are actually currently working on the most impacted cities in Brazil to assist the victims of human trafficking.

So if you're interested in supporting an organization, I would go and check them out. On top of the horrendous practice of human trafficking, Argentina is still having issues in terms of women's rights, specifically with family violence and abortions. The latest available data from the National Registry of Fem Cides administered by the Supreme Court reported that there was 251 fem size, which means murder of women based on the agenda and only four convictions in 2020.

That's a shocking number out of 251 deaths. So murders of.  only four convictions. So I don't know whether that's because of the ineptitude of the police, if it's corrupt or if it's the courts. But yeah, not great in the novel. Tender is the flesh. The objectification of women is explored through Marco's head that he accumulates from someone from a factory and the way that he treats female heads in general.

There's this really stomach turning description within the novel of a pregnant female head, and she's kind of used more than just a piece of meat. Uh, I guess the way to put it would be like a vehicle for sexual and emotional release of someone else, and it's very disgusting. In December, 2020, Argentina's Congress passed a landmark bill to legalize abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy.

This law also allows termination of pregnancies after that term in cases of rape, and then also in the life or health of the pregnant person is at. Even though this is a good thing, there are many reports that there is obstacles to the access of legal abortions, including the lack of access to the information.

So a lot of people don't even know that this law is a thing, the improper use of a consensus objection. So doctors objecting to this process for no actual reason, and then also undue delays. So people purposely delaying the abortions. Then the women can't get. On top of the fashion industry and modern day slavery, another form of human commodities is actually occurring right now in the Congo.

Have you ever wondered where your electric car, phone, laptop, or iPad come from? Well, some of it. The part that uses cobalt would have come from the Congo, and all devices use cobalt, so let's get into it. Cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been associated with human rights abuses such as child labor, hazardous working conditions, and the exploitation of workers.

In general. The country is a major producer of cobalt, which is a key component in lithium batteries for electronics, and many multinational corporations have been accused of sourcing cobalt from mindset, engaging unethical practice. Many minors, including children, work in hazardous conditions without proper equipment or safety training, exposing them to health and safety risks.

There are also reports of forced labor and exploitation of workers with some minors being paid as little as $2 a day. Nearly every major industrial cobart mine in the Congo depends on the labor of underpaid minors who have no safety equipment, so they don't even have. Gloves or closed shoes and are subjected to breathing in toxins all day long.

The types of toxins that people are exposed to without safety equipment include the following, so you've got the first one, which is heavy metals. The mining often involves the extraction of other heavy metals, such as nickel and copper, which are actually toxic when they're inhaled or ingested. The second one is dust.

The mining process obviously generates cobalt dust, which can cause respiratory problems if inhaled third is acid. Acid is used to extract cobalt from os, and if it's not properly contained, it can contaminate soil and water sources. So even the people that aren't mining the east mines with no equipment can still be affected by this mining process.

Number four is radiation. So some cobalt oils contain naturally occurring radioactive materials, which obviously can post health. To workers and the nearby communities. And the final one, which is number five, is mercury. In some cases, mercury is used to extract cobalt, which can then result in contamination and pose a risk to the workers and the community surrounding the mines.

So basically, any company that has a rechargeable battery in their product will be utilizing the Congo Cobalt mines. Some big names do include Apple, Samsung, and then also car manufacturers such as Tesla and Ford, and then other companies in these industries such as manufacturers, aerospace companies, and chemical corporations.

Essentially, we're all contributing to the condition of those that are mining in the Congo, and this is actually a known issue that the multinational corporations are aware of and they have been aware of for some time, like many, many years actually. , everything I've just previously mentioned has occurred on quite a large scale, but obviously slavery can also occur on a much minor.

Just because it's minor doesn't make it any less impactful to the victims though. So we'll discuss something that's happened in the United Kingdom. So there was this horrific case of slavery under the geis of a religious group, AK OC Cult. And the cult was the Workers' Institute of Marxism, Leninism, and Mazak thought that is it.

Mouthful. So the Cult was formed by Amen called, and I'm going to absolutely butcher this, Arvin Bakshin in 1974 after his expulsion from another religious party, which was called the Communist Party of England, and it's the Marcus Leonards party. . In the 1980s, B Krishna decided to move to the Cult Underground, and then once underground, he held three women as slaves.

For a total of 30 years, his daughter escaped with the help of one of the women who were living in the home, and then police were notified. So I'll give you just a brief timeline of this cult and then how these people have become enslaved. Bero set up his commune in 1970 with two other followers who he sexually assaulted and raped in 1993.

One of these followers called SI Davies, gave birth to Bella Krishna's daughter who is imprisoned into the commune. And this is the daughter that later escapes. At this time, Bella Christian was also married to another collective member, so he met, wasn't married to si David. On Christmas Eve in 1996, Sien falls from a second story window of the complex and dies a few weeks later due to her injuries in 2005, Bella Krishna's daughter runs away from the commune for the first time, but then is returned to her father by police, which is ugh.

Makes you sick, like imagine thinking that you're out and then you just get taken back home. Then on the 23rd of October, 2013, so she originally ran away in 2005, and then this is the second attempt. His daughter, who is now age 30 and is severely ill with diabetes, manages to escape with a help of another commune member who's called a Josephine Harville Police, later charged Bella la Krishna with false imprisonment, child cruelty, and a number of sex offense.

Then on the 4th of December, 2015, he's found guilty of a string of sex assault, child cruelty and false imprisonment. He would threaten his memories with an electronic satellite war machine. He called Jackie and he claimed he would strike them dead if they stepped out of line. His daughter stated that she truly believed that if she left the house, she would literally explode.

He also told the women that he had gold light powers. So these women believed that he essentially was. So in the trial, the jury heard how he beat his daughter as a young child. He would not allow her to play with the other children, and he did not let her go out of the commun alone until she finally escaped in 2013 when she left, her carer said that she had the life skills of a six-year-old with no knowledge of how to cross the road or use domestic appliances.

The commune member Josephine Hi, who helped his daughter escape, has since said that she deeply regrets the decision and that she believes Bella Christian, who she calls AB is innocent. She has been diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome, which is when hostages or trafficking victims sympathize with their captors, but she rejects this assessment.

Bella Christian is actually deceased. He died in prison on the 9th of April, 2022 at the age of 81 with horrible atrocities that are still occurring around the world today. It's easy to see how making someone into and other strips away their humanity and value. So let's have a little bit of a dive into real life cannibals and their various forms.

This topic is easily connected to tenders, to flesh, because obviously they consume people for food and cannibals also consume people for food. I'll give you a brief rundown on the history of cannibals in our society. So it's been very scattered within our culture, but it's been within it since the dawn of time.

Cannibals were made reference to in ancient literature, including famous works written by Homer and Strau, which is around the late eight b. Greek historian Herodotus, who was born in four eighty four BC discovered that in the north there was a tribe named the Isans who prepared a meal using flesh of the deceased and then that of an animal.

The deceased skull was then clean and gilded, and used an object of religious worship during annual feasts held in honor of the departed. Canals were said to have been discovered by Westerners in the Middle Ages during the Crusades, and in the 17th century. A Spanish historian, again, I'm gonna butcher this.

Vega wrote a leading chronicle of cannibal behavior in 1608. This Chronicle was titled The History of the Inca Kings of Peru. Mutilation and Cannibalism wasn't too outrageous until the 19th century, specifically a lot of it was due to when. Led the way in rethinking the framework for punishment and deviancy.

Torture in front of a crowd was removed from French society and it was replaced by guillotines hidden behind walls instead of in front of an audience. Hiding death, made torture, capital punishment, and cannibalism eventually to boo in Western culture. That's just a very brief. Background on cannibalism and our views and society of it.

I'll talk about another incident, which is actually quite recent. So in terms of subtle cannibalism, both in 2012 and 2022, China and Korea have been in the news for Chinese made infl flesh capsules, which were attempted to be smuggled into Korea from China, Korea custom services. KCS for short submitted a report to King Young son of the ruling people power party that authorities had confiscated.

1,605 capsules of human flesh founded travel's belongings from the years of 2016 to 2021 in six separate cases. So this report was done after the 2012 finding of the smuggling and then before the 2022 finding. So within these two major incidents, there has been this entire. The gruesome pills were made from stillborn fetuses or placenta, and they're believed by some to be a performance enhancement pill that help increase vitality and sex drive.

However, experts stress that the capsules were likely full of bacteria and a health risk. Though the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety or MF DS for short analyze these flesh pills, and they actually found a large number of contaminated bacteria and the hepatitis virus. On top of this practice, we have real life cannibals as well, so those that actually murder and eat people.

So some of you may be aware of the infamous cannibals, such as Jeffrey dma Almond Muse, and then there's also Luke Magna. But I wanna discuss two lesson known cannibals. The first one is S. So he was a Japanese murder known as the Cobert cannibal who killed and ate a Dutch student, but was never jailed.

So he died of pneumonia on the 24th of November, 2022, and was given a funeral attended only by relatives with no public service ever planned. So what did the SGO do? Essentially, he exploited and ate a human being, removing them of. And their humanity. In 1981, saga was studying in Paris, and he invited a Dutch student who was called Renee, heartfelt to his home.

He shot her in the neck, raped her corpse, then consumed parts of her body over the course of three days. Sagawa then attempted to dispose of her remains and arrested several days later, and he confessed his crimes to police. In 1983, so a couple of years later, he was still awaiting trial and he was deemed unfit for trial by the French medical experts.

He was initially held in a psychiatric institution, but then he was deported to Japan in 1984. So a year later, upon his arrival, he was ruled sane by Japanese authorities and they decided his only problem was a character anomaly, whatever the fuck that means. And he did not require hospitalization.

Japanese authorities were also unable to get his case files. French counterparts, and this is due to the fact that the French considered the case closed, and they also obviously just didn't care enough and he was just left walk free. Sagawa has then made money off of his crimes, which is very messed up.

He wrote a memoir, which Gro Tusk detailed. All of his crimes. He appeared in a vice interview, which can easily be found on YouTube if you're interested. And he is also featured in a pornographic film where the actresses working alongside him, they have sex with him, and then on camera they're later told that he's accountable.

So much like the heads in tender as a flesh, humans are just being used for both food and monetary and sexual gain. The second cannibal who's a little bit lesser known, and again, like all these names, just really hard to pronounce, I'm really sorry. Uh, it's Jose Louise Culver. So he was suspected of murdering his girlfriend in Mexico in 2007 upon investigation.

So when police actually entered the home. The authorities found him eating a meal of human flesh, a December body of the victim in his closet, missing body parts in his fridge, and he had human bones in his cereal, which why? Why would you want that? He confessed to choking the victim in his closet to death, but then denied eating her, which, you know, I think the evidence was a little bit overwhelming at that point.

When police walk in, he's literally eating bits of a flesh and her bones are in the cereal. They also found an unfinished manuscript labeled cannibal. And this manuscript actually had a photo of Hannibal Lecter, the fictional character from Sans of the Lambs. And he had a picture of him and he'd edited it himself so that he like superimposed his head on it or something.

Uh, he was actually addicted to drugs and alcohol, which may have contributed to his violent tendencies, but that's not really an excuse. He was eventually found dead in prison, and this is because law enforcement suspected that he'd been killed by fellow inmates because he had been tortured and. So obviously he didn't just kill himself and the police over there just kind of turned a blind eye, although he denied eating his victims.

He did write that book and 10 victims were linked to him, but there was no sufficient evidence before he actually went to prison. He refused to make a guilty plea, and then in 2007, that's when he was found dead. He was found dead when he was hanging from a belt in his room. But then there, there was all this evidence of torture.

and I think that's about it for today. So I'll just do a short wrap up. Tender is the flesh was inspired by the author because she was passionate about animal rights, and then also because she saw a hanging carcass in a butcher shop. Factory farming is a problematic issue, and worldwide animals are factory farmed, about 90% of them, and most of these animals aren't treated humanely.

Augustina uses language to dehumanize her heads, and this is very similar to how we label our meat and animal products in our. A major theme of the novel is human quantification. So this is in various forms. So these various forms can be found within our modern day society, and these include exploitation such as slavery, cannibalism, rape, and lack of rights for women.

There are a few cannibal serial killers, but we focused on just two, and that was S and Luis Culver. Okay, on that lovely note, let's wrap it. Learn something new. Subscribe to the podcast and read a review and follow our socials in the description box for even more refreshing content.